Dental Implants
Best replacement option for your missing teeth
Dental Implant Crown
Single implant retaining a crown on top. Dental Implants are proven to be the best way to replace the missing teeth function and aesthetics. At our office, we provide the highest grade of dental implants.
Sure Smile | Clear Aligner Treatment
Non-intrusive and no braces needed to get your teeth straight.

Sure Smile
Clear aligners are used to align your teeth in an optimal manner to achieve more function and cosmetically pleasing smiles.
You can book a non-obligation consultation to see what your smile would look like before and after Clear aligner treatment.
We always have special promotions going on our Sure smile aligner treatment, call us and book an appointment to know what suits you best.
Dental Prosthetics
Crown & Bridge Work
Dental Crown
A crown or a cap is a term used for a customized lab-fabricated replacement of tooth structure. A crown is indicated when the tooth has lost a significant amount of structure due to decay or has a fracture line caused by stressful chewing or grinding habits. A crown serves two main functions: protection against heavy chewing forces and sealing the tooth to prevent acid attacks from the drinks and foods we consume.
Dental Endodontics
Root Canal Treatment
Root Canal Treatment
Root canal treatment is a dental procedure to treat an infected tooth nerve. It involves removing the nerve, preparing the canal, and sealing it with a filling. Due to the weakened state of the treated tooth, it is advisable to protect it from fractures by applying a dental crown.
Preventative Dentistry
Preventing Dental Issues
Dental Hygiene
It is a very important dental visit where you get your teeth cleaned by Ultrasonic and manual scalers. The focus of the visit is on prevention of dental disease like caries, gingivitis,gum recession, periodontitis, necrotising gingivitis, aggressive periodontitis etc. In addition, teeth polishing and fluoride application is part of the visit. Teeth brushing techniques and flossing is discussed to reinforce the home oral care routine.
Dental Endodontics
Root Canal Treatment
Root Canal Treatment
Root canal treatment is a dental procedure to treat an infected tooth nerve. It involves removing the nerve, preparing the canal, and sealing it with a filling. Due to the weakened state of the treated tooth, it is advisable to protect it from fractures by applying a dental crown.
Preventative Dentistry
Preventing Dental Issues
Dental Hygiene
It is a very important dental visit where you get your teeth cleaned by Ultrasonic and manual scalers. The focus of the visit is on prevention of dental disease like caries, gingivitis,gum recession, periodontitis, necrotising gingivitis, aggressive periodontitis etc. In addition, teeth polishing and fluoride application is part of the visit. Teeth brushing techniques and flossing is discussed to reinforce the home oral care routine.
Cosmetic Dentistry
Smile Makeovers with Dentistry
Dental Veneer
Custom laminates designed to enhance the cosmetic appearance of teeth. They are used to achieve a more aligned dentition and a brighter, shinier smile for patients dissatisfied with their tooth shade despite multiple whitening attempts.
Oral Surgery
Tooth Removal & Related Surgeries
Taking a severely damaged tooth out, which could be a simple extraction with forceps or it could involve surgically sectioning and bone troughing to get the infected, non restorable tooth out.
Restorative Dentistry
Restoring Function & Comfort
Resin/Composite Filling
These are white coloured filling done to restore the part of tooth damaged to caries, fracture or chipped tooth.
Mt Pleasant Dental Services for a Healthy and Radiant Smiles
We are committed to restoring smiles and ensuring optimal oral health. Our team dental team offers a wide range of services to address various dental needs and concerns.
Opening Hours
9:00am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 5:00pm
10:00am - 6:00pm
10:00am - 6:00pm
10:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 3:00pm